One must consider this before deployment using Terraform !!!We all know that terraform is a great IaC (Infrastructure as code) tool. It helps in deploying and managing our cloud infrastructure with…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
Published inOpstreeUsing TruffleHog Utility in Your Jenkins PipelineThis is a quick blog on how we can use the TruffleHog utility in our Jenkins pipeline to search for the secrets, passwords, sensitive keys…Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Published inOpstreeSonarQube Integration with Azure DevOpsIn simple words, SonarQube is an open-source tool for continuous inspection of code quality. It does static code analysis, provides a…Apr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Published inOpstreeAn Overview of Logic Apps with its Use CasesAzure Logic Apps is the PaaS (Platform as a Service) offering from Microsoft Azure. Logic Apps helps us to define workflows and build…Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020